Causes of post term pregnancy and Complications of a post-term pregnancy
Post term pregnancy
Post term pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy that lasts longer than 42 weeks, two weeks past the normal 40 week gestation period. Post mature births can carry risks for both the mother and the Infant, including fetal malnutrition.
Causes of post term pregnancy
- Maternal obesity
- Had past pregnancies that went post term
- First baby
- Overweight
- Asphyxia
- Meconium aspiration
- Respiratory distress
- Abnormalities in the Mother's Central nervous system
- Previous pregnancies that went poster
- Deficiency in the placenta of sulfatase enzyme
- Anencephaly ( a malformation of the skull of the body)
- Placental insufficiency
Diagnosis of post term pregnancy
- Measure the size of uterus at certain points in early pregnancy
- Note the date he or she first hears developing babies heartbeat
- Note the first feel baby moving in the uterus
- Use ultrasound
- Test may include
- Ultrasound
- Seeing how babies heart rate responds to activity
- Shecking the amount of amniotic fluid
Sign and symptoms of post term pregnancy:
- Pregnancy that lasts longer than 42 weeks
- Stillbirth and newborn death
- Placenta problems
- Decreased amniotic fluid
- The fetus may stop gaining weight,or may even lose weight
- Birth injury if the baby is large
- Baby breaths in fluid containing the first stool ( meconium aspiration)
Enumerate the characteristics of post term baby
A. Infant born after 42 weeks gestation
- Most continue to be well nourished
B. Post maturity syndrome
- Calcium deposit decrease placenta function
- Result in lack of oxygen and nutrients
C. Physical characteristics
- Absent vernix and decreased lanugo
- Dry, cracked, parchment like skin, peeling
- Hard, long nails
- Abundant scalp hair
Treatment of post term pregnancy
The goal is to prevent problems and deliver a healthy baby. The healthcare provider will base specific treatment on :
- Taking overall health history
- Fetal movement counting: This keeps track of baby's kicks and movements. A change in the number or frequency may mean the developing is under stress.
- Non-stress testing: This test watches how the baby's heart rate increases with baby's movements. This is a sign of a baby's well-being.
- Biophysical profile: This test combines the non-stress test with an ultrasound to look at the baby's well-being.
- Ultrasound: This test uses high-frequency sound waves and a computer to images of blood vessels, tissues and organs. Ultrasounds are also used to follow the growth of developing baby.
- Doppler flow studies: This is a type of ultrasound that uses sound waves to measure blood flow. The test is commonly used if a developing baby is not growing properly.
- Amnioinfusion is sometimes used during labor if there is very little amniotic fluid or if the baby is pressing on the umbilical cord. A sterile fluid and cushions the baby and cord.
Complications of a post-term pregnancy
Women with post-term pregnancy, especially with a large baby, are more likely to have :
- Longer labor
- Forceps or vacuum-assisted birth
- Vaginal tearing or injury
- Cesarean delivery
- Infection, wound complications and bleeding after birth
There are also risks for the fetus and newborn in a post-term pregnancy. These include:
- Stillbirth and newborn death
- Placenta problems
- Decreased amniotic fluid
- The fetus may stop gaining weight or may even lose weight
- Birth injury if the baby is large
- Baby breathes in fluid containing the first stool (meconium aspiration)
- Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) because the baby has too little glucose stored
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